Controlling Ants In A Commercial Environment
You are an accommodation provider / school gardener / business owner and your guests / kids / customers are jumping around brushing ants off their feet & legs.
This time of year seems to be just wonderful if you are an ant. For some reason there seems to be plenty for ants to do as the first days of summer approach.
The simple give away signs of ant mounds on the footpath and loose sand in the garden leads us to look a bit further and just see where these ants are traveling to or from.
The small sand castles on the path usually mean the ants are right there and have plenty of small ant holes all close by. These are not really a problem as they are very small ants and easy to contain with ant dust or a borax mixture. (Recipe for that here)
The more major problem is when you see the bigger ants in a line moving in both directions, some marching away from the nest and others heading back.
These ants are the ones that get into everything and are big enough to bite kids and annoy your guests. They trail from rubbish bins, kitchens and bedrooms in fact where ever they can find some crumbs they will make a trail back to their nest.
How do we get rid of these hard working little fellas without poisoning kids, guests and customers? Plus we dont want to see ant powder trails all around an accommodation complex or school yard.
Remember too that most ants actually do a good job but they annoy us and our guests. They look bad and ant trails can go for over a hundred meters.
First thing I do is stand still and just look at a line of ants to determine which way they are marching. Simply walk slowly in that direction allowing the eyes to focus on the line they are making.
A lot of the time the line of ants will seem to disappear but as long as you are patient and concentrate on looking for ant movement you will see the line again. Even if they are in a bit of bush or rocks you will see the line of ants so just keep walking in the direction they are travelling. You may have to look a few meters ahead and side-ways from there, don’t panic you will find them again.
Eventually the activity of ants will get more noticeable and very soon you will see a mound with a hole that ants are diving in and out of. Look all around this area as there will more than likely be a few ant hills here and all close by. Most ant holes will be smaller than a five cent piece and likely have four or five holes close by. The mound around the hole is quite distinctive and if you jump up and down a bit the ant activity multiples very quickly.
The best time of day to find these ant mounds and nests is in the morning before it gets too hot. They are on the move early and easy to track.
What do you do when you find these nests? Some will be ten metres from where you first saw them on the pathways, and others will be up to fifty meters away. Either way no problem, a strong chemical mixture of ant poison works well. Just pour directly down the hole. Definitely better than any powders available and usually meaning the nest will be vacated quite quickly. By using a liquid directly down the ant hole there is no need to poison the track or pathways where you first saw them, they will head back to the nest and won’t return in a hurry. No guests getting poisoned or powder trails all around the place.
We do not recommend pouring petrol down the ant nest holes as this can be quite destructive when lighten up, especially this time of year, we don’t want a fire to break out.
Now keep in mind you will kill a lot of the ants but the rest will re-nest elsewhere, which is fine as we just want them to go marching off somewhere else, we don’t want to eradicate them altogether.
The smaller type ants actually help keep termite ants at bay so we need to keep a happy medium. We don’t want the ants get into our guest’s rooms and belongings but we do want the ants to keep those nasty little termites at bay. Plus they do clean up a lot of tiny food scraps, dead flies and bugs.
Just keep an eye out for ant trails and repeat until they head off to the neighbours property, and they will.
You can get some good brownie points with the neighbours by offering this simple advice, they will love you for days, until they realise you probably encouraged the ants to march there way, oh well.
Tracking ants is an art form and more so if you have bush, wood chips and rocks. This can make the art more challenging and more demanding but you will always find them.
Embrace the challenge and have a bit of fun with it, enjoy the reward when you find that big nest.
Just remember you are not there to kill them all off just redirecting them to greener pastures……
Hope this was useful and feel free to comment or ask questions on basic tracking and containment of ants.
We have plenty here in Dandaragan and keep them in containment not eliminated, that’s impossible.
Transerv Energy Equity Research
Transerv Energy
Warro 5 & 6 Drilling imminent
Transerv energy limited is an Australian energy investment company with interests in West Australia.
Drilling has commenced at the Warro gas field near Dandaragan Badgingarra in West Australia about 180km north of Perth.
Information on Transerv and this project in west australia is here
The imminent drilling will determine the viability of the Warro field.
We expect the share price to run on the back of positive news flow in the lead up to drilling.
TSV’s Perth Basin permits cover 2,400km2 including the Warro gas field which straddles Retention Leases R-6/R-7, located 200km north of Perth and 31km east of both the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) and the Parmelia Gas Pipeline (PGP).
Warro is a tight gas field with an estimated 3-4 Tcf of recoverable gas. In 2008, Alcoa agreed to a staged farm-in which includes a multi well drilling program to earn up to a 65% interest, (spending $100m minimum). To date Alcoa has earned a 43% interest and spent $53m on two wells and the acquisition of seismic surveys.
The Warro-3 and Warro-4 wells drilled by Alcoa were subjected to substantial fracture simulation and extended testing programs. While gas flows in excess of 5 mmscf/d were observed, persistent water flows interfered with the gas from the wells.
Post-acquisition of 3D seismic, an extensive review of the field by a team of USA experts led by K Shanley concluded that the wells were poorly located and water flows were most likely the result of intersecting large, deep-seated faults connected to a pressured deep water source. The review also concluded that substantial gas flows were possible if wells were positioned away from faulting.
As shown in Figure 1, the location of faulting (the blue linear features near Warro-3 & 4) is believed to be the source of the water that was previously encountered.
Gamble Responsibly When Sowing Your Crop
The Sound Of Raindrops Pelting On The Roof When Harvesting in November.
Sing along …
Rain drops are falling on my head
That doesn’t mean it’s not a good thing for the farm,
Raining’s lots of fun…
But I am complaining cause the rain is a falling …
On my crop
And its now at harvest time,
Oh no
This is worrying me.
Classic song isn’t it, might be hard to recognise it, my song writing skills are not always recognised.
Rain drops in July August Sept even October and that would be about right, but it’s the 2nd of November here in Dandaragan Moora West Australia.
The sound of raindrops this time of year is not so good. I know many farmers in this region and rain is not part of the equation at harvest time.
When I drive from Moora to Regans Ford I see rows of canola swathed out in lines to dry before being gathered up to harvest, raindrops in November is not good.
Heard on the news that this October has been one of the driest ones in years, might have looked better had these raindrops arrived a few days earlier. But still that wouldn’t have helped a farmer harvesting their crop today.
Wouldn’t you just love to be a farmer, sow a crop spray a few weeds, harvest it maybe store it for a bit then sell for wads of cash. Sounds like a decent plan. The world needs cereals, there is a proven system in place to grow it, markets out there to buy it so what could possibly go wrong?
Bloody rain, if your karma is not great it can rain too late to sow and too early to harvest for the ultimate outcome, quality and quantity of these little seeds.
Yes these little seeds that we sell as a commodity in a worldwide market, governed in price through supply and demand. And maybe brokers but that’s another story.
Oh yes and let’s not forget, the weather in countries on the other side of the world, did Canada and the US have raindrops at the right time of year? Are their crops bountiful or dry and shrivelled? Are they spoilt by rain at harvest?
This grain producing idea really does sound familiar, like option trading, eft’s, money markets or just straight out gambling. But get it right and hello Christmas shopping time and new car saleyards.
We better set up an advertising campaign to “only grow crops responsibly”. After all you are gambling on the rain for a living, for your families’ well-being, for other businesses to sell products and services to you so they can make a living. You get the point.
When we hear raindrops in April May through September October spare a thought for that cereal box on your table and be grateful for the gamblers that produce it. Remember a happy farmer means a happy town, means a happy region means happy business people and so forth.
The good ole saying that Australia lives off the farmers back may have taken a dent through the mining boom but over time it is still a very valid claim.
Rain drops are magical sounds that we take it for granted, as a farmer they just like them to land within a certain time frame, sounds fair enough.
As I write this those raindrops are getting heavier and its 7am on the 2nd November. I’m not a farmer, we have an accommodation place so the rain drops won’t hurt us today, in fact it means I can turn off the sprinklers as our lawns will get some nice rain water to deepen the greenness and make the village look better. Might even reduce an early bush fire.
This time of year though I can only hear the silence of a harvester in waiting, ready to roar into life and harvest that crop so we can enjoy our breakfast and morning tea scones. (at a fair price J)
Please gamble responsibly.
Uglii Is Coming To Australia
Joanna Plains Cataby
Property: WA’s noted Joanna Plains changes hands
By Beef Central, 20 October 2015
Highly regarded WA grazing property and feedlot Joanna Plains has changed hands after private negotiations, for an undisclosed sum. Carpenter International sold the 9500ha property, located 140km north of Perth, to a newly-formed joint venture involving two stakeholders.
Mineral Sands Mine On Hold?
Location: Caro Road, Cataby
Applicant: Iluka Resources
Date: 9 June 2015
PROPOSAL It has come to the attention of staff the closure of a portion of Caro road is not ready to be completed due to Tronox mining camp still requiring access to the road. Council is asked to revoke its decision of 26 March 2015 to close the road from April 2015 and resolve to repeat the public notice period on notification from Iluka Resources once the Tronox camp has commenced relocation.
It has since been discovered the road cannot be closed due to Tronox mining camp still requiring access to Caro Road and the road cannot be closed until the camp is relocated.
OFFICER RECOMMENDATION 2 That Council’s decision for item 9.4.2 from the Council meeting held 26 March 2015 being:
“That Council order the temporary closure of portion of Caro Road, Cataby for the purposes of mining commencing from April 2015 for a period of 10 years or the cessation of mining activities whichever occurs sooner subject to:
1. in pursuance of Section 3.50 of the Local Government Act 1995 the CEO forward a copy of the local public notice to the Commissioner of Main Roads;
2. the applicant arrange alternative access with Fire and Emergency Services;
3. the applicant complies with the requirements of Telstra;
4. the applicant complies with the requirements of Western Power;
5. the applicant liaises with APA group in regards to working in the vicinity of an underground gas pipeline and access arrangements; and
6. on cessation of mining activity within the road reserve, the road is to be restored to the satisfaction of the CEO and at the cost of the applicant”.
Be revoked.
Land Sea and Air
Land Sea and Air
Seems you can get to Dandaragan Redgum Village near Moora by all means of transport, even though there is no lake river or sea near-by.
There is a chopper in the back car park, a boat in the front car park and many forms of land vehicles in the main car park.
I suppose a speed boat on a trailer may not count as a sea arrival but it’s the next closest thing.
Don’t really know why we are getting such a variety of transport type vehicles at the moment but it certainly makes walking through the carpark at 4.30 in the morning on our way to cook all these guests breakfast a little more interesting.
That’s the thing about a mine shut week where many people gather from all walks of life depending on the contractors needs for the particular maintenance programme.
Some of the crew staying at Dandaragan Redgum Village have been here several times working for the one contractor and going from one mine to another. Most so called mine shuts around the Dandaragan – Cataby are less than a week so these guys get to travel around a fair bit, hence bring the boat.
It maybe a few days off before the next mine they visit and the coast is a very attractive option if they have a few days off.
Jurien Bay, Cervantes or even Lancelin are only an hour away so why not make the most of it?
So whether you fly a chopper for a living, work on mine sites or just passing through with a seed cleaning machine you will always find a park at the Dandaragan Redgum Village.
And yes we will serve you up a hearty cooked breakfast at a time that suits you pack a lunch and come home that evening to a homemade dinner cooked freshly just for you.
Land Sea or Air we can accommodate you 🙂
Guests Booking Into Redgum Village
Don’t see this every day, but just another example of anything is possible at Redgum Village Dandaragan Moora when it comes to guest requirements. If you want to land a helicopter here well you can.
Areopower required some accommodation for their guys doing transmission line inspections and asked the obvious question” can we land a chopper at your place?” Sure, I mean why not.
So yeah we can now add helicopters as part of our vehicle parking ability. And yes its safe, secure, convenient and free.
Badgingarra Wind Farm
The cost of the routine maintenance will be determined on a shared basis with the Shire (to be agreed prior to the commencement of the project based upon forecast traffic volumes). Any costs associated with required upgrades needed before development of the Wind Farm occurs shall be to the satisfaction of the Manager Technical Services and Works and be at the cost of the proponents;
The duration of this monitoring will be defined during the development of the program and subject to review, based on findings during the first two years’ monitoring;
Free Range Poultry Farm
Proposed Free Range Poultry Farm Alteration
As shown in Figure 7 of the proponents Land Capability Assessment (Bioscience 2014) there is a drainage channel area from the western boundary in a north-westerly direction to the northern Boundary of Lot 25. This drainage channel area is likely to carry surface flow during storm events, mostly as sheet flow. It cannot be assumed that surface flow in this location will be of no consequence. The topography poses the risks of inundation, damage to the sheds and other infrastructure, and degradation of water quality. The current proposed location of the sheds is therefore not supported by the DoW.
Demonstrate the existing pre-development hydrological regime will be maintained or enhanced where possible:
Department of Water Advice Notes:
To be in accord with the Code, with regard to minimising risks to water resources, the proponent should be required to demonstrate the following (Notes 5 – 11):