Current projects happening in the Dandaragan Moora Region either at approval stage, in progress or on the drawing board.
Most information is from the minutes of the Dandaragan Shire monthly meetings to ensure their authenticity.
The headlines are links to the full story and some have a short summary of each project. Once you click the link there is a full story including Dandaragan shire meeting agenda’s, photos and any relevant information.
This information is open to anyone for curiosity or possible contract opportunities for your business.
This information is accurate when published however circumstances can change and recommend the reader view at own discretion and make their own inquiries for further information.
2016 – 2017
Redgum Cafe / Restaurant
New restaurant cafe in Dandaragan. Dinner for two or Conference for 15 to 50
Redgum Village Business Conference and Team Building Facility:
Redgum now has the facility to host Businesses and companies for Conference and Team Building / Bonding Activities. From in house proven activities to 18 holes of Golf, Lawn Bowls and Team Tennis, read more click the link above.
Regans Ford Grain Bin Extension
Emu Downs Solar Farm Dandaragan Shire
Construction is set to begin at Emu Downs Wind Farm of a Solar Energy programme on Western Australia’s first co-located solar farm following the signing of a funding agreement with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.
Proposed Intensive Piggery
Westpork is seeking planning approval for an intensive piggery located on Agaton Road, 22 km northeast of the Dandaragan town-site Dandaragan.
Westpork is seeking Planning Approval for the capacity to house approximately 68,000 pigs. with the capacity for a further 34,000 pigs.
Image Resources: Regans Ford Heavy Mineral Deposit
Waddi Wind and Solar Farms: Tilt Power Info Site Land-Owners Info Here
Mine Camps In Dandaragan:
The Shire of Dandaragan’s Local Planning Policy 8.2 Mining, Horticultural and Agricultural Ventures – Accommodation for Staff, aims to encourage use of facilities within townsites of the Shire except for the accommodation provided for essential key personnel which, by necessity, needs to be located onsite.
Flight School Proposal for Jurien Bay:
To consider an application to operate a flight training school (Microlight and Auto Gyros) out of the Jurien Bay Airfield.
Dandaragan Camel Farm: ABC Article:
An operation of this size has never been done in Australia before. We’ve got a 150 camels at the moment, milking 50 of them because that includes the babies. We are milking about 250 litres a day.
If ABC article moved Redgum Version Here
Parkway Minerals Dandaragan Trough update:
Parkway Mineral’s (ASX:PWN) Dandaragan Trough Project (Dinner Hill)is focused on exploiting a very large, shallow deposit of greensand, which contains both rock phosphate and glauconite.
Council has been discussing the possibility of acquiring the BRS since discussions first commenced in 2012, when the Department of Agriculture and Food WA (DAFWA) advised it would be selling off some of its assets
Waddi Wind Farm Amendmant
The proponent requests approval for the following amendments to the planning approval for the Waddi Wind Farm:
Read more about Trustpower here.
Midlands groundwater and land assessment:
This project aims to identify one or more 2,000 to 3,000 hectare area/s suitable for intensive irrigated horticulture within a broad 500,000 hectare envelope north of the Gingin irrigation district, encompassing the Moora Badgingarra-Dongara area.
RDA Regional Development Australia – Wheatbelt
RDA Wheatbelt is delighted to be part of the project team for the successful West Midlands Group, Northern Valleys Agribusiness project. This project aims to boost the profitability of agricultural enterprises in the Shires of Gingin, Chittering and Dandaragan
Its first camels on site with milking expected March – April 2016, – Interesting Article –
Was looking promising by end 2016 early 2017 – Now not so sure.
Warro Gas Field at Badgingarra:
Transerv updates here
Potash West Updates – Now Parkway Minerals.
Malaysian Palm Oil Grower Buying Dandaragan Farms
Ryan Potatoes In Dandaragan
Two houses being built in Dandaragan.
Joanna Plains Peaker Project update
Carpenter Beef is seeking renewal of planning approval for the establishment of the Joanna Plains Peaker Project on Lot 3907 Brand Highway, Cataby.
Moora Citrus & Agri-Fresh Orchards getting up to full swing.
2015 – 2016
Waddi Wind Farm in Dandaragan.
News On Renewable Energy Projects In WA
Warro Project update – Gas Field at Badgingarra
New Player to Finish Cataby Abattoir
A new WA-based beef supplier is set to be launched to focus on the world’s premium markets.
Transerv Energy Warro Gas Field
Revoke Of Order To Temporary Close A Portion Of Caro Road
Yathroo Camel Dairy Farm Dandaragan
The proponent is seeking planning approval for a camel dairy farm located on lot 51 Koodjee road Yathroo
The applicant is seeking approval to keep up to 450 camels and construct a camel dairy for the purpose of producing camel milk for human consumption from approximately 310 camels at lot 51 Koodjee RD Yathroo.
Latent Petroleum, Dandaragan Shire Temp Camps
The Warro Field is located approximately 42km from the Brand Hwy adjoining the Watheroo National Park to the east and the Marchagee Track to the north. It has been explored since 1977 with four wells drilled, the latest being Warro?04 in 2011. The Warro Gas Field is within Retention Leases (R)6 and 7.
Latent Petroleum was granted approval for a temporary mining camp at Loc 10323 by Council on 17 February 2011 for the period 21 February 2011 to 21 November 2011 to carry out well testing operations for gas extraction from the Warro Gas Field on the subject allotment over a nine month period.
Proposed Free Range Poultry Farm Alteration
The proposal consists of:
· 8 egg laying sheds approximately
· 2 pullet rearing sheds approximately
· 8 silos
· Managers residence
· Coolroom/workshop
Iluka Resources Proposed Temporary Closure Follow Up
At its Ordinary Meeting of Council held 28 August 2014 Council considered an application by Iluka Resources to mine through a portion of Caro Road, Cataby. Council resolved the following:
That Council commence public notice in accordance with the Local government Act 1995 to close portion of Caro Road, Cataby for the purposes of mining commencing from April 2015 for a period of 10 years.
Extension To Planning Approval – Badgingarra Wind Farm
The applicant is seeking a further extension of 2 or 3 years to the period of planning approval for the Badgingarra Wind Farm (scheduled to lapse on the 19 December 2014) to the 19 December 2016 or 2017.
The reason for the delay in carrying out the approved proposal is provided below:
In a filing to Bursa Malaysia today, Brahim’s said the plant, Cataby Abattoir, is designed to meet all China, European Union, the United States Department of Agriculture and halal requirements.
“The plant will have a capacity of 100,000 cattle per annum on a single shift basis, with a 400-head per day capacity,” the company said.
Upon additional capital expenditure of A$15 million (RM43.55 million), the plant will be fully operational within 6-9 months from investment date.
This story no longer happening, read above Cataby stories.
Walebing Section
(Walebing is 52km from Dandaragan)
Great Northern Highway – Muchea to Wubin Stage 2 Upgrade
Drilling at Warro Going Ahead
Proposed Free Range Poultry Farm
Proposed Turquoise Coast Regional Airport
The preparation of the master plan for the proposed Turquoise Coast Regional Airport has undergone the following process.
Council successfully made an application to the Department of Transport for a grant under the Regional Airports Development Scheme.
Expressions of interest to undertake the study closed on 9 October 2012. Council resolved to appoint Rehbein at the Ordinary Meeting of 22 November 2012.
An inception meeting was held 15 January 2013 and an inspection carried out of several possible sites.
Proposed 40m Lattice Telecommunication Tower Dandaragan
Proposed 40m Lattice Telecommunication Tower Coolajarloo
Proposed 70m Lattice Telecommunication Tower Nambung
WAPOL has engaged Crown Castle Australia (CCA) to build a number of communication facilities which will form part of the Community Safety Network. The Network is fully funded under Royalties for Regions and will bring together WA Police, the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) and the Department of Corrective Services (DCS) under one common infrastructure network, managed by WAPOL. Communication will be across a shared, purpose-built, secure network for the first time.
The process for planning a new telecommunication facility is a complex process and the proponent has considered the following issues:
· Radio frequency coverage
· Low-impact and co-location opportunities
· Availability of suitable sites
· Planning, environmental and heritage considerations
· Engineering criteria and construction considerations. Doc Id: 24310
Proposed Subdivision Of Lot 57 Camm Rd, Dandaragan
Joanna Plains Peaker Project
The applicant advises that the following components are proposed to be used in this project:
· 2 x 60MW generators ie operating capacity of 106MW;
It is proposed that the plant is designed and intended to be run on a remote basis. The units are capable of operating on dual fuel basis meaning the turbines can function on various fuels including bio diesel, diesel or natural gas.
Solar Photo Voltaic Power Facility Badgingarra
Solar Photo Voltaic Power Facility – Munbenia Road, Hill River
Badgingarra Wind Farm
The proposed Badgingarra Wind Farm is already an approved use on the subject lots. The need for Council approval is in accordance with condition 9 of the original planning approval, requiring any proposed changes to further undergo consultation from the Shire and the EPA.
The original approval was for a turbine with a maximum height of 125m (tip height) model V90. The applicant proposes an increased turbine of 15m to a maximum height (tip height) of 140m model V112, with a 54.65 metre radius blade. It is considered the largest onshore turbine available.
Interesting Article on Australian Resources Boom