Iluka Resources Road Closure

Iluka Resources Proposed Temporary Closure

 Of Portion Of Caro Road For Mining Purposes


Location: Caro Road, Cataby

Applicant: Iluka Resources

Folder Path: Business Classification Scheme / Roads / Road Closures / Temporary

Disclosure of Interest: None

Date: 11 March 2015

Senior Officer:  Manager Planning

Iluka Resources Cataby



The purpose of this report is for Council to consider submissions to the proposed temporary road closure of Caro road and order the closure of portion of Caro Road, Cataby for a period no greater than 10 years.



At its Ordinary Meeting of Council held 28 August 2014 Council considered an application by Iluka Resources to mine through a portion of Caro Road, Cataby. Council resolved the following:

That Council commence public notice in accordance with the Local government Act 1995 to close portion of Caro Road, Cataby for the purposes of mining commencing from April 2015 for a period of 10 years.

Following the above process, the proposal was advertised in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 and a Schedule of Submissions was prepared (attached). Several submissions were received by government agencies and one submission from a neighbouring property.



A copy of the Schedule of Submissions was sent to the applicant for comment. In response Iluka have advised their application requires further clarification as follows:

“In our application we state that: Iluka commits to the restoration of the road and re-instatement of all services (power, communications etc) back to pre-disturbance condition,…

This statement should more precisely read: Iluka commits to the restoration of the road and re-instatement of all services (power, communications etc) back to pre-disturbance condition or alternate permanent re-routing of services to the satisfaction of the service utility,…

This has come about as we will be entering contracts with Telstra and Western Power to permanently re-route services such that all customers requiring services during and directly after mining will not be affected.”


Although there was no objection to the proposed temporary road closure several issues were identified through the consultation period. These relate to the impact on existing infrastructure and services in the area and access for various stakeholders.


Telstra have commented that the existing Telstra Infrastructure in the existing road reserve will have to be relocated to the new road reserve at the cost of the applicant. The applicant is currently in discussion with Telstra in regards to servicing the lot and any order to close the road would be dependent on the applicant meeting the requirements of Telstra.


Western Power has advised transmission lines and overhead and underground distribution assets are contained within the area and hence work in the area would need to comply with the necessary safety regulation and/or require a permit. The applicant is currently in discussion with Western Power for the re-direction of overhead power lines and the order for the road closure is subject to the applicant fulfilling the requirements of Western Power.


The Department of Fire and Emergency Services will still require access to the area. This has been communicated to the applicant and be part of requirements of the order.

APA group has an underground gas pipeline in the vicinity of the proposed work. The applicant will need to liaise with APA group to arrange alternative access to the pipeline and the requirements for working in the vicinity of the gas pipeline.


There is only one affected neighbouring property and alternative access arrangements have already been organised between the landowner and Iluka.

On completion of mining activities the road reserve will need to be restored. The Executive Manager of Infrastructure has advised the minimum requirement would be restoration to a Type 4 gravel road with the following specifications:


·       Pavement width 9m

·       Gravel thickness 300mm

·       Table drains

·       Culverts at water courses with head walls and minimum diameter of 375mm (locations to be confirmed with Shire prior to reinstatement)

·       Guide posts and signage as directed by the Shire

·       Property access crossovers

·       Fencing

·       Vegetation rehabilitation

Council is requested to order the road closure subject to Iluka Resources meeting the above stakeholder requirements.



·       Neighbouring property owners

·       Department of Parks and Wildlife

·       Department of Regional Development

·       Department of lands

·       Fire and Emergency Services Authority

·       Main Roads

·       Telstra

·       Water Corporation

·       Western Australian Planning Commission

·       Western Power

·       Department of Mines and Petroleum

·       ATCO Gas

·       St John of God Ambulance Service – Dandaragan Branch

·       APA Group

·       Executive Manager of Infrastructure Shire of Dandaragan


The proposal was advertised in the Central Midlands and Coastal Advocate and the Shire website for a period of 4 weeks from 23rd October and closed on the 21st November 2014. A copy of the proposal was available for public viewing at the Jurien Bay Administration Centre during this period.



Local Government Act 1995 Subdivision 5 — Certain provisions about thoroughfares 3.50. Closing certain thoroughfares to vehicles

(1a) A local government may, by local public notice, order that a thoroughfare that it manages is wholly or partially closed to the passage of vehicles for a period exceeding 4 weeks.

(2) The order may limit the closure to vehicles of any class, to particular times, or to such other case or class of case as may be specified in the order and may contain exceptions.

(3) deleted

(4) Before it makes an order wholly or partially closing a thoroughfare to the passage of vehicles for a period exceeding 4 weeks or continuing the closure of a thoroughfare, the local government is to — 

     (a) give local public notice of the proposed order giving details of the proposal, including the location of the thoroughfare and where, when, and why it would be closed, and inviting submissions from any person who wishes to make a submission;

     (b) give written notice to each person who —

           (i) is prescribed for the purposes of this section; or

           (ii) owns land that is prescribed for the purposes of this section; and

      (c) allow a reasonable time for submissions to be made and consider any submissions made.

 (5) The local government is to send to the Commissioner of

Main Roads appointed under the Main Roads Act 1930 a copy of the contents of the notice required by subsection (4)(a).

(6) An order under this section has effect according to its terms, but may be revoked by the local government, or by the Minister, by order of which local public notice is given.



There are no policy implications relevant to this item.



There are no financial implications relevant to this item.



The Department of Mines and Petroleum has identified this area as a ‘strategic mineral resource protection area’ for titanium-zircon mineralization.



Circulated with the agenda is the following item relevant to this report:

·       Schedule of Submissions (Doc Id: 48388)

·       Proposal for temporary road closure of portion of Caro Road, Cataby – Iluka Resources (Doc Id: 39567)

·       Mapping from Iluka Resources (Doc Id: 39568 & 39569) (Marked 9.4.2)



Simple majority



That Council order the temporary closure of portion of Caro Road, Cataby for the purposes of mining commencing from April 2015 for a period of 10 years or the cessation of mining activities whichever occurs sooner subject to:

1. In pursuance of Section 3.50 of the Local Government Act 1995 the CEO forward a copy of the local public notice to the Commissioner of Main Roads;

2. The applicant arrange alternative access with Fire and Emergency Services;

3. The applicant complies with the requirements of Telstra;

4. The applicant complies with the requirements of Western Power;

5. The applicant liaises with APA group in regards to working in the vicinity of an underground gas pipeline and access arrangements; and


6. On cessation of mining activity within the road reserve, the road is to be restored to the satisfaction of the CEO and at the cost of the applicant.

Warro Gas Project

Latent Petroleum, Location 10323 Coalara Road,


Badgingarra – Proposed Temporary Camps

Location: Location 10323 Coalara Road, Badgingarra

Applicant: Latent Petroleum

File Path: Development Services App / Development

Application / 2011 /10

Disclosure of Interest: None

Date: 16 March 2015

Senior Officer:

warro gas olcoa badgingarra



To consider an application for the issue of a temporary planning approval for temporary main and supplementary rig camps at Location 10323 Coalara Road, Badgingarra for the period 1 April 2015 to 30 June 2016.



The Warro Field is located approximately 42km from the Brand Hwy adjoining the Watheroo National Park to the east and the Marchagee Track to the north. It has been explored since 1977 with four wells drilled, the latest being Warro?04 in 2011. The Warro Gas Field is within Retention Leases (R)6 and 7.

An agreement and lease is in place with one of the two landowners to engage in the ongoing exploration for gas on his property and install the drilling rig and camp/s.

Latent Petroleum was granted approval for a temporary mining camp at Loc 10323 by Council on 17 February 2011 for the period 21 February 2011 to 21 November 2011 to carry out well testing operations for gas extraction from the Warro Gas Field on the subject allotment over a nine month period.

An extension of time (6 months) was granted by Council on 27 October 2011 for a new expiry date of 21 May 2012.

The above approvals have now expired.

A condition of approval was that all infrastructure and temporary buildings be removed by the expiry date. The applicant was questioned about the non removal of the camp, they advised that the campsite has been mothballed and was non operational after the expiry date.

Latent petroleum have submitted a new application for the temporary main camp and for a temporary supplementary mobile rig camp at two different locations on the same property for the purpose of extended testing to be carried out.

The temporary period of time sought for the proposal is from 1 April 2015 to 30 June 2016


The Programme

The Warro?05 and Warro?06 wells are a follow up to the Warro?03 and Warro?04 wells drill in 2008 and 2011 respectively when a similar application was lodged and grated for a camp supplied by the same contractor, Bonnie Rock Transport (“BRT”). The original application expired in late 2010 and the second application expired in 2012. The proposed camp will support the rig drilling the new wells.

Drilling operations are anticipated to commence in June 2015, however it is possible that the rig and camp may be mobilised to location a month either side of this date dependent on the rig work schedule.

Details of the proposals are provided in the attachments.



The applicant has applied for renewal of a special Building License previously granted. With the advent of the new Building Act, special building licenses no longer exist and therefore cannot be renewed. Therefore the applicant is required to obtain development approval and seek any standard building permits required under the Building Act and Regulations.

Temporary mining camps are a use not listed in the Zoning Table (Table 1) of Local Planning Scheme No.7. Section 4.4.2 of the scheme reads:

‘If a person proposes to carry out on land any use that is not specifically mentioned in the Zoning Table and cannot reasonably be determined as falling within the type, class or genus of activity of any other use category the local government may:

(a) Determine that the use is consistent with the objectives of the particular zone and is therefore permitted;

(b) Determine that the use may be consistent with the objectives of the particular zone and thereafter follow the advertising procedures of clause 9.4 in considering an application for planning approval; or

(c) Determine that the use is not consistent with the objectives of the particular zone and is therefore not permitted.’

The Shire has previously granted approvals for such camps on the subject allotment and has determined that the use is consistent with the objectives of the particular zone and is therefore permitted.



·       Applicant



Local Planning Scheme No.7



There are no policy implications relevant to this item.



There are no financial implications relevant to this item.



There are no strategic implications relevant to this item.



Circulated with the agenda are the following items relevant to this report:

·       Location Plan (Doc Id: 47993)

·       Development Plans (Doc Id: 47995 & 47996) (Marked 9.4.4)



Simple majority



That Council grant planning approval for the establishment of a temporary main camp and supplementary temporary mobile rig camp (two locations) on Location 10323 Coalara Road Badgingarra for the period 1 April 2015 until 30 June 2016 subject to the following conditions:

1. The land use and development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved and stamped plans;

2. That a building permit is required prior to the commencement of any development onsite;

3. That the proposed onsite effluent disposal system is approved by the WA Department of Health prior to installation onsite; and


4. That all improvements / temporary buildings be removed from Location 10323 Coalara Road by the 31 July 2016.


Warro Gas Drilling



Transerv Energy (ASX Code: TSV) as operator of the Warro Joint Venture (WJV) is pleased to announce that it has received approval to proceed with the next phase of drilling at the Warro gas field.
This phase will comprise the drilling of Warro-5 and Warro-6, including extended well testing.
This programme is being funded by Alcoa of Australia Limited (Alcoa)as part of an existing farm-in arrangement whereby Alcoa can earn up to a 65% interest in the gas field through expenditure of up to $100 million
The timing for drilling is dependent on the availability of drilling equipment and various Government approvals As previously announced, the WJV is well advanced in its planning activities and has already lodged the Environmental Plan for the operations. 
In addition, work on identifying drilling long lead items and a rig procurement process is well advanced
Transerv expects to commence drilling operations during the first half of 2015, subject to timely approvals.
latent petroleum dandaragan transerv energy dandaragan
Warro Project Background

The Warro gas field lies 200km north of Perth in the Perth Basin and is one of the largest undeveloped onshore gas fields in Australia.
The Warro reservoir section is about 3,750m below surface and has a thickness of
approximately 500m. 
The gas is held within low porosity and low permeability sandstones. 
The field is located 31km east of both the Dampier-to-Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline and the Dongara-to-Perth Parmelia Pipeline.

The Warro gas field is located in EP321 and 407 and covers an area of approximately
7,000ha. EP321 and EP407 are in the process of being renewed and/or partially converted to Retention Leases over the Warro gas field area. The interest holders in the WJV are Transerv Energy (57%) and Alcoa (43%).
Under the farm-in agreement, Alcoa can earn up to a 65% interest in the WJV assets spending up to $100 million on a staged programme comprising exploration and development activities. To date, the WJV have drilled two wells (Warro-3 and 4) and acquired 3D seismic.

During 2012-13 the Warro gas field was the subject of an exhaustive review by US-based, tight gas experts led by Dr Keith Shanley, who is recognised globally for his work in this industry. The Shanley review concluded:

• Warro gas field is a large gas accumulation with resource estimates of:
             o   8 – 10 TCF Gas In Place
             o   3 – 4 TCF recoverable gas
• Development wells should be capable of flowing at high rates and recovering 4 -10 BCF each (50    acre spacing).
• More wells and extended flow testing programmes are required to fully evaluate the full commercial potential of the gas field.

Chairman’s comment
“Alcoa’s decision to proceed with the Warro project is excellent news and we are pleased to see this vote of confidence in the project.
The decision comes after a lot of painstaking work by the Warro Joint Venture, work that has not only reviewed the previous well results but also identified the optimum locations to drill the next appraisal wells.
We look forward to the next phase of drilling and testing, which aims to prove the commercial viability of a 3 Tcf gas field on Perth’s doorstep.”

Camel Farm Dandaragan

Former WA Minister Behind Bid To Build Australia’s Biggest Commercial Camel Dairy

Former West Australian agriculture minister Kim Chance is hoping to tap into demand for camel milk by building a commercial dairy on his property near Dandaragan, north of Perth.

camel farm dandaragan

Lucy Martin

MARK COLVIN: The estimated 300,000 wild camels roaming Australia’s outback could be the key to a new and possibly profitable industry.

Feral camels play havoc with the environment and are a constant source of frustration for pastoralists. But a former West Australian agriculture minister wants to milk feral camels on his property near Dandaragan, north of Perth.

There is demand for camel milk, but the venture comes with significant challenges.

Lucy Martin has more.

LUCY MARTIN: It’s similar to cow’s milk, with a slightly salty kick.

Camel milk might not be to everyone’s taste, but it’s surprisingly popular, and at $25 a litre, it’s known as “white gold”.

Former West Australian agriculture minister Kim Chance is looking to capitalise on the demand by building Australia’s biggest commercial camel dairy on his farm in the state’s mid-west.

KIM CHANCE: We’re looking at about 220-225 camels lactating at any one time, so that means we would have about 450 camels on the property. All of our financial projections are done on a five litre per day per camel yield.

LUCY MARTIN: That’s more 1,000 litres of milk per day.

The camels will be captured from the desert around Laverton and transformed from outback ferals into calm milking machines.

Mr Chance again.

KIM CHANCE: The people that we have linked with have perfected a means of domesticating the camels to the extent that they can be machine milked.

LUCY MARTIN: The company behind the project, Camilk Australia, will sell pasteurised milk direct to customers and in some specialty shops.

Some unpasteurised milk will also be sold, but it must be clearly marked not for human consumption.

Kim Chance again.

KIM CHANCE: We hope we don’t have to look to export for some years yet. The scope of the market is obviously something that’s going to be proven in time, however we have an extensive database of people who’ve indicated that they will be clients. And that database is in the thousands.

LUCY MARTIN: Dr Mike Laurence from Murdoch University’s College of Veterinary Medicine says setting up a camel dairy will present some significant challenges.

MIKE LAURENCE: Infrastructure has got to be the first one. Building a dairy to accommodate large numbers of large animals such as camels is going to take quite a lot of careful planning.

So just building the facilities is probably one big thing. The second one is managing their reproduction. I mean, getting milk from an animal, a mammal, is about reproduction, so that’s something that a lot of people don’t have a lot of experience in, is camel reproduction.

And looking after their health, that would be the other key challenge to running this fairly intensive program that’s been suggested.

LUCY MARTIN: The United Nations estimates there’s more than 200 million potential camel milk customers worldwide, and the industry could eventually be worth $10 billion.

That hasn’t gone unnoticed in Australia. One WA company already produces unpasteurised camel milk, while a Queensland company sells pasteurised milk on a small scale.

Dr Laurence says more players in the market means more research and development.

MIKE LAURENCE: What drives research into animal production is where there is a viable industry. So if it looks like camel dairying is going to become one of the emerging industries in our state, then the research dollars will flow. And I think it will be a cycle that feeds on itself.

LUCY MARTIN: The Shire of Dandaragan recently granted planning approval for the dairy, and the next step is for Camilk Australia to secure investors.

Kim Chance again.

KIM CHANCE: We can be in production within two months if everything falls correctly, and if our trigger point on the capital-raising is reached. We’re actually very close to that trigger point.

LUCY MARTIN: The other challenge: finding enough camels.

KIM CHANCE: There has been rain in the fringe between the desert and pastoral country, and obviously that’s great news for pastoralists, but not great news for us, because it means the camels move further into the desert. And the flow of camels might be a bit intermittent.

LUCY MARTIN: Despite the challenges, Mr Chance is confident the dairy will be underway within two months.


Moora Wet Wet Dandaragan Wet Wet

Rain rain go away come again another day, say that again and I’ll probably be tied up and shot by every farmer in Dandaragan.

Moora floods

I can hear the sighs of relief from every farmer and horticulturalist in the Dandaragan Moora region after many inches of rain have fallen over the shires in the last week.
The dry seeding has paid off ableit a bit late but better than nothing at all.
Horticulture is so big now in Moora and Dandaragan Shires with Olives  booming again and Citrus nearing full swing, and yes they all need the mighty natural water from the sky as well as the dam water.
Farmers that have seeded their grain crops must surely be relieved and as we have had the Kaylx boys here plus the father and son quartet all seeding I’m sure they will be enjoying a relaxing beer now.
Yes its a bit cool and there will be a few frosts as per normal in June for the Moora Dandaragan Region but am sure that is all planned and catered for.
Next I suppose the spraying rigs will be getting a grease and oil, it never stops for too long, but hey at least there will be something to spray. Better than monitoring the dust levels. Don’t think there is too much demand for stunted wheat and juice-less oranges.
Talking to Jono at Lawson Grains (Walyoo) and there was certainly a drop in his stress levels and knowing “yep we got it right”. I’m sure he knew they had all along but its nice to get this rain as confirmation. All in a days work young fella.

As for Redgum yes the rain is great, the lawns will love it and that feeling of everything getting a good wash is always welcome. Just glad we have completed the bulk of external painting. The whole Village looks pretty good if I may say so myself, self praise better than none? well maybe not. Its just great that it has rained and there are smiles on farmers faces, that is important and great too see.

I know the Logsy’s guys got bogged doing there power pole run a couple days ago which I’m sure was annoying but that’s just a small side effect of a great rain, plus it gave them a day off 🙂

Yathroo Camel Farm

PROPOSED Camel Dairy Lot 51 Koodjee Rd Yathroo, Dandaragan


Location: lot 51 Koodjee Rd Yathroo

Applicant: Camilk Australia Pty Ltd

Date: April 8, 2015

 Dandaragan camel farm


The proponent is seeking planning approval for a camel dairy farm located on lot 51 Koodjee road Yathroo



The applicant is seeking approval to keep up to 450 camels and construct a camel dairy for the purpose of producing camel milk for human consumption from approximately 310 camels at lot 51 Koodjee RD Yathroo.


The property comprises of approximately 793 hectares


Lactating camels will be kept in semi-intensive yards measuring 26m x 200m at a rate of 20 camels per yard. Dry camels will be kept in open paddocks of approximately 40 hectares.


Fencing was an issue raised as a concern by the dept. of Parks and Wildlife as there is a nature reserve (Bundarra A23934) within 2km of the proposal. The department advises that there should be sufficient fencing to prevent infestation of the reserve by feral camels (declared pest). The applicants have provided details of the fencing which includes electric fences to ensure that the camels are retained on the property. A copy of the fencing specifications is provided in the attachments.


The proposed dairy will be required to comply with health department guidelines and legislation as the product is intended for human consumption


The objective for “Rural” zoned land in local planning scheme no.7 is


Rural Zone


To provide for range of rural activities such as broadcare and diversified farming so as to retain the rural character and amenity of the locality, in such a way as to prevent land degradation and further loss of biodiversity.


A camel dairy fits under the land use “animal husbandry –

Intensive”. Under the Scheme this is defined as:


“Animal husbandry – intensive” means premises used for keeping,

Rearing or fattening of pigs, poultry (for either egg or meat

Production), rabbits (for either meat or fur production) and other livestock in feedlots.


Agriculture Intensive, Agroforestry, and Animal Husbandry-Intensive are “D” uses (discretionary approval) in a Public Drinking Water Supply Area where Council will have due regard to the potential impact on groundwater quality. The proposed development is not within a public drinking water source reserve.




5.22.2 Groundwater Areas

Groundwater protection areas have been established by the Water

And Rivers Commission (now DEC) known as the Jurien

Groundwater Area and Gingin Groundwater Area.


Landowners and developers are required to obtain a licence prior to the construction of a bore or well on any property for groundwater extraction except for stock or domestic purposes.


The Department of Parks and Wildlife (the previous DEC) and

Department of Water have been consulted on this application.



The Shire and WAPC have adopted the Local Planning Strategy –

Rural Land Use and Settlement 2012 (the Rural Strategy) which provides guidance to Council in assessing this type of application.


The following considerations are taken directly from the Rural

Strategy and comments provided on each consideration.


Local Planning Strategy – Rural Land Use and Settlement 2012


Appendix 2 intensive agriculture planning considerations when assessing a planning application for intensive agriculture


When Council is considering an application for either Agriculture – Intensive, Agroforestry, Animal Husbandry Intensive and Aquaculture it will take into account the following matters;


Strategic considerations

Council will assess the potential impact of the Application and subsequent development to ensure:


Services and infrastructure are adequate, including the road to be used to transport produce and to access the property, power, water and other requirements or can be adequately upgraded which would be the responsibility of the applicant.


Comment: Suitable sealed and gravel roads and provides good access to the site. The applicant is liaising with service authorities to ensure that suitable infrastructure is provided based on the scale of the proposal.


There is no wider potential for land use conflict from things such as spray drift or smoke between existing and proposed use.


Comment: There will be no impact.


It will have no adverse impact on catchment management and ground and surface water.


Comment: The Department of Water have been consulted on the proposal and comments are provided in the attachments.


It will not sterilise land with potential for urban expansion or other long term land needs.


Comment: There is unlikely to be any urban expansion in the vicinity.


Local considerations

Council will assess proposals for intensive agriculture on the ability of the subject land to accommodate the proposed use, and with due consideration of the risk of off-site environmental impacts and conflict with neighbouring land uses. Factors to be addressed by the proponent and subsequently considered by Council include:


The nature and capability of the land.


Comment: The applicant has advised that a small portion of the land has Bassendean Sands and that this has been taken into account in the assessment of the suitability of the land. The property is not within the Bassendean Sands Special Control Area.

The remainder of the land is suitable for general farming including the keeping of stock.


Availability and adequacy of water supply.


Comment: The applicant has advised that there is good quality bore water available on the property for stock and that a rainwater tank will be used for other water needs. There may be a requirement to provide additional bore water of suitable quality and quantity if the Department of Health require.


Sensitivity of adjacent land uses.


Comment: There are no sensitive adjoining land uses.


Remnant vegetation and wetland protection requirements.


Comment: Both dry and milking camels will be kept in fenced areas away from any remnant vegetation.


The proposed site has been cleared.


Comment: The area where both dry and milking camels will be fenced is cleared land.


Crop rotation and / or specific land management requirements.


Comment: Not applicable.


Any particular infrastructure layout or transport access requirements.


Comment: No specific requirements not already addressed.



The requirement for permission to use ground and surface water.


Comment: The applicant is liaising with the Department of Water to satisfy this requirement.


Demonstrate the existing pre-development hydrological regime will be maintained or enhanced where possible.


Comment: The property is not on the 100 year flood plain.


The separation distances and / or buffers with the adjacent uses which are potentially incompatible can be contained on the subject land rather than being a constraint on adjacent land.


Comment: The Bundarra Reserve is within 2 km of the proposal.

The applicants will provide suitable fencing to ensure that camels do not escape into the reserve.


The development impacts can be managed on site.


Comment: There is sufficient land to accommodate the development impacts.


The development should not significantly detract from any scenic landscape and / or conservation attributes identified in the locality.


Comment: The development will not significantly detract from any scenic landscape and / or conservation attributes in the vicinity.


Other matters which may be required to be addressed if requested by Council.


Comment: Nil


It is the officer’s view that if the site is well managed, there will be minimal impact to neighbouring properties and the environment and is therefore, supported with conditions.



The proposal was advertised to surrounding landowners (within a

5 – 10 km radius) and to the below government agencies from 12

March to 10 April 2015.


·       Department of Agriculture and Food (Geraldton and Moora)

·       Department of Parks and Wildlife (Geraldton)

·       Department of Health

·       Department of Water (Perth and Geraldton)



·       Local Planning Scheme No 7

·       Local Planning Strategy – Rural Land Use and Rural Settlement



·       SPP 2.5 Land Use Planning in Rural Areas

·       There are no local policy implications relevant to this item



The applicant has paid a sum of $544.



·       Shire of Dandaragan Local Planning Strategy – Rural Land Use and Rural Settlement



Circulated with the agenda are the following items relevant to this report:

·       Application (Doc Id: 49237)

·       Location Plan (Doc Id: 49237)

·       Elevations (Doc Id: 49237)

·       Submission from Department of Parks and Wildlife (Doc Id:


·       Submission from Department of Health (Doc Id: 49542)

·       Submission from Department of Agriculture (Doc Id: 49583)

·       Submission from Department of Water (Doc Id: 49582)

(Marked 9.4.2)



Simple majority



That Council grant planning approval for a proposed Camel

Dairy Farm on Lot 51 Koodjee Road, Yathroo to Camilk

Australia Pty Ltd subject to the following conditions of approval:

1. The land use and development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved and stamped plans.

2. The use and development must be substantially commenced within three years of the date of this approval.

3. The maximum number of camels shall be 450.

4. Crossovers, access and egress to the subject site from

Koodjee Road and any road works shall be located and constructed to the satisfaction of the Shire’s Chief

Executive Officer and include all necessary drainage and signage. Costs applicable to the construction of the access point/s onto the site and any related issues shall be borne by the proponent.

5. All internal roadway surfaces within the site are to be constructed of a suitable material such as paving, road base, limestone or course gravel and compacted to limit dust generation, to the satisfaction of the Shire’s Chief

Executive Officer.

6. The use and development must be conducted so that it has minimum impact on the amenity of the area by reason of:

a) Transportation of materials, goods and commodities to and from the premises;

b) Appearance of any buildings, works and materials; and

c) The emission of noise, vibration, dust, wastewater, waste products or reflected light.

7. The operation of the business complies with the Primary

Industries Report Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of

Animals – The Camel.



Note 1: Further to this approval, the applicant may be required to submit working drawings and specifications to comply with the requirements of the Building Act 2011 and the Health Act 1911 which are to be approved by the Shire’s Manager Building Services and / or Manager Environmental Health prior to issuing a building licence.

Note 2: The Department of Health advises that any form of pest control using pesticides must comply with the Health (Pesticides) Regulations 2011.

Note 3: It is advised that the proposal should at all times comply with the provisions of the Food Act 2008 and related regulations, codes and guidelines and in particular Standard 4.2.4 – Primary Production and Processing Standard for Dairy Products.

Note 4: Approval will be required from the Department of Health and Shire of Dandaragan Environmental Health Officer for any waste water disposal system.

Note 5: Subject to groundwater being available, it is recommended that the proposal is required to be in accordance with the following Department of Water publications:

·       Water quality protection note 12 Dairy processing plants November 2012.

·       Water quality protection note 22 Irrigation with nutrient-rich wastewater JULY 2008.

·       Water quality protection note 70 Wastewater treatment and disposal – domestic systems June 2010.

·       Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines.

Note 6: The proponent may also need to obtain a Works Approval from Department of Environment and Regulation, if production from the premises exceeds 100 tonnes per year, and from which liquid waste is to be discharged onto land or into waters.

Note 7: The Department of Water advised the applicant contact the Swan-Avon Goldfields office to discuss groundwater licensing requirements.

Note 8: The business and operation are to be registered with the Department of Health and required separate approval from the Department of Health.

Note 9: The applicant has received a copy of submissions from:

·       Department of Health;

·       Department of Water;

·       Department of Agriculture and Food;

·       Department of Parks and Wildlife; and have been requested to comply with the relevant government departments.




Powerlines Plus Dandaragan

These guys certainly know how to go big in tiny Dandaragan.
42 guys from Powerlines Plus came in for 3 days to do two nights work replacing pole insulators on the Moora Dandaragan Power line.
Absolute hive of activity starting at 8pm thru to 7am.

This is in Redgum Village carpark day and night

Redgum Village Function Centre

The Girls hard at work for the recent Dandaragan Bowling Club Dinner and presentation.
Great night by all, some awesome compliments from the President of the Bowling Club.
Much appreciated and makes running these functions all the more worthwhile.

A wedding party in last weekend, Bowling Function last night, Western Power group of 45 in next week to upgrade Dandaragan Power and a mine shut crew of 50 mid May.

Never boring around Dandaragan’s Redgum Village over this 4 week period. Bring it on,

We love it and so do our guests, apparantly 🙂

Local Dandaragan ladies lending a hand in the kitchen plus Gaylene’s sister and our niece from Perth. Many helpers certainly made the night a breeze and very successful.


Redgum Village at Easter


Easter just around the corner, and yes in Dandaragan too and this year all the Redgum Village guests are taking the few days off.
This means the Redgum staff get to kick back and take a break from this past few weeks of being very busy.
With quite a mixture of guests in from the Potash group to the power line guys, a telecom dude, a road crew, mikes team and a couple other individuals with the local school and water authority. 

Sounds like a normal Redgum Village booking list.

Had a group for Easter cancel and as its turned out, not such a bad thing as we need to catch up on a few chores and chill for a day or two.

Dandaragan Carpark at easter

This is a common site in the car park these days, great bunch of guys and glad we can help them out. All sub contracted to Western Power.

Have a great Easter and catch you back on Tuesday 🙂


  • Contractors
  • Project Crews
  • Solo Operators
  • Open to the Public
  • Mine Camp Style 
  • All 98 Rooms En-Suited
  • Buffett Meals
  • All Meals Home Cook
  • Early Breakfast and
    Lunch Crib
  • 40 Person Barn Style Dining Room
  • Dining Rotation for 99 guests
  • High Level Health and Safety
  • Video surveillance in select locations
  • Want 5 stars call the Hilton in Perth.
  • We Supply Affordable Essential Accommodation – Comfortable Clean en-suited Bedrooms with King single or Queen Size Bed, Hot Shower Plenty Pressure Digital TV, Fridge, Reverse Cycle Air-con, Robe, Desk, Chair and All Linen-Towels 🙂
  • Privately Owned
  • Friendly Atmosphere.
  • Please NO Pets / Dogs

(61) 460 853 993

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Attention Contractors

Wind Farms In The Dandaragan Region

Emu Downs – Waddi – Yandin- Warradarge

Personalised Accommodation and Meals Packages

Customised to suit your requirements

L.A.F.A style accomm available

Make a Booking

Bookings / Inquiries – NEW NUMBER

  • Phone… (61) 460 853 993
    If  goes to message bank please leave us your name and or company with a brief description of your needs so we can give you a accurate quick response.
  • e-mail Click Here

From vast experience:

Companies requirements vary, your booking or inquiry needs our personal human attention.
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Redgum Rates

Redgum Village Rates

The more people

The longer you stay

The Less You Pay

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Redgum Village Dandaragan

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  • Just passing thru?
  • We have a room for you.

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