Corporate Event Packages

Example of Conference and Accommodation Package:

Group of 20 people:

Meals: All in Restaurant:

  • Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner $100 per person

Accommodation: Shearers Quarters* or Mining “Donger”**

  • Single Room – $120 per person
  • Twin Share or Double $80 per person

Conference Room: – No Charge through March – April

Activities: from $10 pp

  • 9 – Hole Golf
  • 18 – Hole Golf
  • Corporate lawn Bowls (subject to availability)
  • Doubles Tennis

In House Activities:

Team bonding fun games in Conference Room or within the Redgum Village:

  • No Charge through March – April

 * Shearers Quarters: These bedrooms are what our shearing team used to live in. These are upgraded to suit health department regulations. 
    There are photos of on farm shearers quarters that you wouldn’t have let your dog sleep in to show you how rough and tough shearers were right up to the late 80’s early 90’s

 ** 4 x single persons bedrooms in a de-mountable building (transportable)
       The style of bedroom used by mining companies throughout Australia


Booking Inquiries Click Here

Parkway Minerals Dandaragan

Parkway Minerals NL aims to extract essential fertilizer feedstocks, phosphate and potash, from one of the world’s largest green-sand deposits.

Parkway Mineral’s Dandaragan Trough Project is focused on exploiting a very large, shallow  deposit of green-sand, which contains both rock phosphate and glauconite.

Glauconite is a green mineral commonly containing 4-6% potash as KO as well as varying amounts of iron, aluminium and magnesium.

Studies and testwork have indicated that two projects are commercially viable:

  • Production of single super-phosphate, from the rock phosphate present in the green-sand
  • Production of potash, alum, single super-phosphate and Iron oxide, from the glauconite component of the green-sand.

The Company has a major land holding over a globally significant deposit of green-sand with exploration licenses and applications covering an area of 2,000km2.

Ten of the twelve tenements are contiguous extending for over 100km north-south with a maximum width of over 30km.

The first drilling programmes have identified sufficient resources to allow long-life operations.

Dandaragan trough

Parkway Minerals has completed an option agreement to purchase landholding covering approx 90% of Dinner Hill Resources.

The freehold property “Yallambe”

Parkway Minerals Dandaragan

Redgum Restaurant feb

February has seen a gradual pick up for dining in the Redgum Restaurant here at Redgum Village.

Redgum Restaurant and Cafe and Take Away Menus Here

It has been great to see local Dandaragan and Moora people dining in the Restaurant. 
A big thankyou to you all 🙂

The latter part of feb and march are getting busy with confirmed bookings so we beg farewell to our quite January and look forward to busier times.

There will be an Election breakfast in March on election day, the 11th at this stage.
I know Gaylene has a few surprises for you all on that day, with cooked brekfasts from $10 and take away bacon egg rolls as well.

Coffee to stay or Coffee to go, take your pick.

After the last election in Dandaragan which was our first official opening of Gaylene’s Kitchen we look to improve on selection of food and shorter time to receive it.

Dandaragan rainbow

Loving the weather, hot, cold, wet, muggy, hot whats next? Am sure the weed sprayers in town will be happy and gearing up for a weed extermination programme

Looking forward to happier days

February at Redgum

Valentines has been and gone, was interesting to see the romantics of Dandaragan almost out numbered by the Moora love birds 🙂 

No matter, from the sounds of everything the night was a success and a big thankyou to Gaylene for putting on a great menu for the Redgum Restaurant. 

Redgum Restaurant Menus here

Once again we are slack on the photos but I did pinch these off facebook:

valentines redgum village

valentines redgum restaurant

So looking forward to the next specialised event. Maynot get around to St Patricks day as we have a cataby mine shut crew in that week and will be a bit busy.

However we will do an election day breakfast on March 11, will keep you posted on that. In the meantime keep coming into the Redgum Restaurant and let Gaylene woo her wand and dish you up another great dish from her menu

Enjoy 🙂

Badgingarra Research Station

The Dandaragan shire persual of the Badgingarra research station is on going and with the proposed land lease below this can still be a reality. 

Badgingarra Research Station – Extension To Farm Lease Agreement

Location: Lot 3712 Winjardie Road, Badgingarra

Applicant: N/A

Folder Path: Business Classification Scheme / Council Properties / Acquisition and Disposal / Purchasing

Disclosure of Interest: None

Date: 13 February 2017

Author: Tony Nottle, Chief Executive Officer

Signature of Author:

PROPOSAL That Council agrees to the extension to the Farm Lease Agreement for the Badgingarra Research Station (BRS) between the Shire of Dandaragan and the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (DAFWA) for a further three years to the 28 February 2020 and that Council amends the Sublease with West Midlands Group (WMG) to reflect this extension.

BACKGROUND Council has been discussing the possibility of acquiring the BRS since discussions first commenced in 2012, when the Department of Agriculture and Food WA (DAFWA) advised it would be selling off some of its assets. At Council’s meeting held on the 26 September 2013, it was resolved: That Council agree to contact the Department of Lands, State Lands Services expressing its interest in acquiring the Badgingarra Research Station located at Lot 3712 Winjardie Road, Badgingarra.


Council’s Expression of Interest (EOI) to purchase the BRS was communicated to the Department of Lands, via representatives from the Lands Property Asset Clearing House. On the 3 November 2015, an email was received from Mr Tyack from the Department of Lands advising that the BRS was no longer surplus due to a proposed business direction and will be retained for ongoing research therefore, removing it from their disposal program.
However, since this time, the proposed business direction did not occur in which DAFWA then advertised the BRS for lease as of 1 February 2016 for 12 months. On the 10 December 2015, Council held a special meeting and resolved the following:

That Council agrees to submit an Expression of Interest to the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia for the lease of the Badgingarra Research Station, Lot 3712 Winjardie Road, Badgingarra as per the following conditions:

  1. amount to be stipulated at $36,848 per annum as per the previous arrangement between the West Midlands Group and the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia for the amount of $36,848 per annum for a 12 month period;
  2. Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia be advised that the Shire of Dandaragan wish to purchase the property freehold at the conclusion of the lease at an agreed value; and
  3. that the West Midlands Group be required to meet all lease conditions via an appropriate agreement on behalf of the Shire of Dandaragan to be subleased at the amount of $36,848 per annum.


Council’s EOI to lease the BRS was successful with a lease agreement being signed in May 2016 for a 12 month period commencing from 24 May 2016 with an option of a further 12 months. The WMG currently sublease and manage the property as it has done for the last three to four years. On the 31 January 2017 Cr Richardson, representing the Shire President, and the CEO met with the Minister for Agriculture and Food the Hon Mark Lewis MLC together with representatives from the WMG, the Badgingarra Community Association and DAFWA. It was discussed at this meeting that an extension to the lease would allow the current operations to continue while decisions could be made at a State Government level in relation to the future of the BRS. The group generally agreed that a three (3) year term would be ideal.

COMMENT The current lease expiry date is 23 May 2017. The lease agreement provides an option to extend the term of the agreement for a further 12 months by mutual consent of both parties. In consultation with DAFWA, Council has been successful in securing an extension to the lease of up to three years commencing from 23 May 2017 to 28 February 2020 at the same rent and conditions as detailed in the current lease.


  • Department of Agriculture and Food
  • West Midlands Group
  • Badgingarra Community Association
  • Minister for Agriculture and Food, Hon Mark Lewis MLC

STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT There are no statutory implications in relation to the leasing of the BRS. Appropriate lease and subleases have been prepared by Council’s solicitors to ensure our interests are protected and clearly outlined.

POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no relevant policies in relation to this item.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS WMG has confirmed that they will continue to reimburse the Shire for the same amount so that the lease arrangement has a nil effect on the Shire’s operational budget. The agreement with the WMG would need to be amended to reflect the extension and to continue to ensure they are responsible for the lease conditions during that period.

STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS 2016 – 2026 Strategic Community Plan

Goal 1: Great Place for residential and Business Development


1.1 Ensure planning and land availability provides opportunity for sustainable growth

How Shire will Contribute

c) Activate Growth Plan


1.4 Ensure Shire is “open for business” and supports industry and business development

How Shire will Contribute

b) Identify and engage with future new business and industry opportunities
c) Realise potential of Council controlled or lazy land assets

ATTACHMENTS Circulated with the agenda is the following item relevant to this report:

  • Correspondence from DAFWA confirming the three year extension to the lease (Doc Id: 86450) (Marked 9.3.2)


OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That Council agrees to extend the Farm Lease Agreement for the Badgingarra Research Station between the Shire of Dandaragan and the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia for a further three years to the 28 February 2020 and that Council amend the Sublease with West Midlands Group to reflect this extension.

Team Building

Teamwork Is the Fuel That Allows Common People To
Attain Uncommon Results

(quote Andrew Carnegie)

Team Building is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks.
Team Building is distinct from Team Training, which is designed to improve the efficiency, rather than interpersonal relations.

Perhaps the best way to define teamwork is:
When a group of people work together cohesively, towards a common goal, creating a positive working atmosphere, and supporting each other to combine individual strengths to enhance team performance.

Team bonding activities improve workplace projects that involve teamwork:
After completing team building activities together, employees better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This understanding helps them work even better together on future progress vital to a company.

Organisations are more likely to perform well when their people work effectively as a team:
Because good teamwork creates synergy – where the combined effect of the team is greater than the sum of individual efforts. … As well as enhancing organisations’ performance good teamwork also benefits the individual.

Socializing and making friends in the workplace is one of the best ways to increase productivity in the office:
Not only does this increase morale in the office, but allows for the office to work better solving everyday workplace problems.
Team bonding activities also improve workplace projects that involve teamwork. After completing team building activities, employees better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This understanding helps employees work better together on future projects vital to a company.

Competition has been proven to increase production:
So, channel that increased production into a fun, team building activity and you will find employees bonding in a way near impossible by other means.
After any sports team wins a major championship, they celebrate and have fun. This motivates them to want to win even more. This extreme example shows that the celebration, cheering, and fun that come with every Team-Bonding event can motivate employees to bring their job to the next level.

People tend to have a larger imagination:
When they are around people they are comfortable with. Successful team building events not only bring people closer together but they also lead to more successful and creative workplace ideas. Everyday workplace collaboration is key to a successful business.
For example, a coach always has assistants to help-out when needed.

Communication and Working Together as a Team:
This is the top reason why people choose team building because everybody wants a friendly work environment. Where people are comfortable and happy to talk to and work with anyone.
One of the best reasons for team building is the activities work to accomplish improved communication. A successful team building activity will surely mean a more comfortable, successful workplace environment for any business, company, large or small.

Team building is very important if you wish to extract the best out of your workforce. Employees are urged to work smarter and not just harder, to deliver the desired results. Though it contributes in its own way, individual brilliance does not singlehandedly decide the fate of an entire project.
It is the joint efforts of the whole team that eventually decide the success or failure of a project.

Team building in an office helps to foster better and open communication between the

employees themselves, as well as between the employees and the higher management. Team building goes a long way in improving professional relations, understanding and co-operation, which is reflected in the quality of work being done.
Team building in the workplace significantly contributes towards employee motivation and building trust among the employees, thereby ensuring better productivity.

Here are some common team building exercises for communication, success and improved team performance.

Promote Informal Addressing:

Speak freely and step out of the traditional / formal employee boss interaction. This will give your employees reassurance that you are one among them and not a corporate dictator. This will work to your advantage as it will encourage open workplace communication, sharing of ideas, and will help to maintain healthy work relations.

Organize a Day Trip:
Reward your employees for the good work that they have done by organizing a day trip. Encourage employees to bring along their spouses and children. This can be a welcome break from the daily work-related pressures and can help fellow employees and their bosses to interact, bond, and get to know each other better. In many ways, this can translate into better returns at the workplace.

Celebrate Each Other’s Success:
Learn to appreciate and acknowledge each other’s efforts. Celebrate the success of a job well done or a project delivered well ahead of the deadline because this helps wiping out any negativity and keep the team united.

Initiate Group Discussion Sessions:
When you have a major project-related decision to make, ask your employees for their views on the subject. Have a group discussion on the matter and seek their suggestions and opinions. Even though it will be you who has the last word, this gesture will promote teamwork, boost employee confidence and make them feel valued and wanted.

Get Off the Grid:

Take your employees on an outing outside of the city. Limit screen time and get involved in an outdoor team activity, like golf.
There are venues within a few hours of major cities but only a few that will combine a conference with accommodation, meals and an activity. Find one that relates to your type of business or company within your budget.
These are great for unwinding in a relaxing, stress free environment while bonding with your team.

Team Building Slogans

Team building projects and activities are seldom complete without the use of some inspirational team building slogans.
Here are some popular inspirational quotes and slogans that you can use when working towards team building for success:

  • *** “There is no ‘I’ in TEAM” ~ Anonymous
  • “A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle” ~ Japanese proverb
  • “A boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing their own way” ~ Swahili proverb
  • “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” ~ Henry Ford
  • “One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team” ~ Kareem Abdul Jabbar
  • “A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of themselves and their contribution to praise the skill of the others” ~ Norman Hidle
  • “You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note” ~ Doug Floyd
  • “Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team”. ~ John C. Maxwell

Here is another spin on Team Building:

*** There is no ‘I’ in team” is one of the common phrases in team-building seminars. There is a “me” in team, however, and if you’re going to build a motivated team that delivers results, you need to focus on the “me.”

Anyone who has taken a basic management course has heard of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Per Maslow, people are motivated by five needs, which range from biological, such as eating, to higher, self-actualization needs, such as being creative. Each of these needs is focused on the self.

People are not motivated by esoteric ideas, such as increasing shareholder value or building a world-class organization. They are motivated to meet their basic needs – to pay the bills, be happy, be valued.

The key to motivating a team is to translate business goals into personal value. A motivating leader understands this and makes sure the team knows what’s in it for them if they meet the goals.

You May Find “It’s About Me” To Be a Very Selfish View.
But nothing could be further from the truth. Here’s an example of how it can be about me and remain unselfish:

Let’s say I have been assigned a project to implement a new system that will increase productivity and save the company $2.5 million. That’s a good corporate goal, but it means increased workload and extended leaves from my family. So, what’s in it for me?

If the project is successful, I will get a bonus, my merit raise will increase, my career path and job security will be enhanced, and I could get a promotion. Now I’m getting motivated.

To motivate my team, I need to apply the same strategy and tell them what’s in it for them.

  • They will be exposed to new technology,
  • a new network with new equipment will be needed,
  • there will be opportunities for training,
  • they will get a bonus and potential salary increase if the project is successful,
  • and they will be able to move into more senior positions.

Now they are motivated.

My “me” is motivated, their “me” is motivated and we are a motivated team ready to do whatever is needed to make the project successful – which will ultimately satisfy senior management’s “me,” as it will be able to meet its goals.

There is no “I” in team, but there is a “me” – a bunch of them, to be precise. A motivated and successful team is made up of individuals who understand what’s in it for them.

On another note remember:

Team leadership and team building go hand in hand. Successful team building in

the workplace often translates into success for everyone. It is not difficult and does not require you to go out of your way or do anything extraordinary as a common person.

As the popular saying goes,

“Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”

Compiled by Redgum Village.

Business Conference and Team Bonding Venue in Dandaragan West Australia

Many of these quotes and examples are directly from Google search, networkworld and our own experiences

Get Out of the City

Get Out of The City Business Conference

Marketing the Redgum Village in February is revolving around Business Conferences with a meal in the Redgum Restaurant, accommodation in a mine camp and an activity.
The activity is leaning towards a round of golf, nine or eighteen holes.

Team Building Article Here

The Redgum Village being 170km north of the Perth CBD, makes an attractive option for businesses wanting to have a team bonding session outside of the city.
But not too far away. Need to keep travel costs to a minimum.

Dandaragan is a small town set amongst rolling hills, gum-trees, green pastures, olive groves and wheat fields.

Dandaragan WA Dandaragan tourist drive

Would you bring your business or company team members to Dandaragan for a conference, meal, golf, accommodation and a bbq breakfast?

What will all this cost you say?….. You will be surprised. — Pleasantly —

We don’t have the overheads of a city venue.
The conference room and restaurant is all part of the Redgum Village: There are no extra operating or setup costs.

A conference at Redgum Village in Dandaragan has the benefits of required technology but the atmosphere of being off the grid.

In other words get your team out of the city into the country because you can have for a great team bonding event that is “affordable and unique”.
Mid week or over the weekend.

bbq under the sails redgum village Redgum Village under the sails

BBQ under the sails for an evening meal or breakfast is a great alternative to a restaurant meal. Mind you the Redgum Restaurant is a pretty good in door option.

There are many options for your Get Out of The City Conference:

  • Redgum Restaurant: Dinner – Lunch – Breakfast
  • A La Cart’e or Buffet
  • BBQ Under the Sails: Dinner or Breakfast
  • Team Bonding Activities in the Conference Room
  • Out Door Activities: Golf – Lawn Bowls – Tennis
  • Mine Camp Accommodation
  • Shared or Single Rooms
  • You tell us what you want.

If settling into an accommodation complex with a conference room, restaurant, outdoor entertainment area and team bonding activities outside of the city sounds appealing, Welcome 🙂
Tell us what you are looking for and let us put an agenda together for you to look at, modify untill you are happy and go with it.
We can arrange a deal for you or go along with your suggestions.

Redgum Village Accommodation Redgum Restaurant

This is an exciting new adventure for the Redgum Village but not new for us as business people.
We have done this for ourselves many of times and feel comfortable offering this opportunity for you.

Whatever your Business or Company is!

  • Mining
  • Construction
  • Lawyer Firm
  • Road Works
  • Agriculture
  • Medical Profession
  • Green Energy
  • Tax Accountants
  • Alternative Medicine

The list is endless. All you need is a team of people.

Reasons for team building

Redgum Conference

Redgum Village Conference Room / Redgum Restaurant / Redgum Village Accommodation. 
All under one roof (so to speak). 

Businesses and companies looking for an alternative venue for team building less than 2hrs drive north of the Perth CBD. Look no further.

Redgum Conference Room

This venue built around a mine camp theme, allows you to virtually go off the grid, yet still have the facilities required for a business conference.
Add a round of golf before a meal in the barn type Redgum Restaurant or a BBQ under the sails in summer and you have the complete team bonding experience.

Why here in Dandaragan?

  • In the country, no noise or light pollution
  • Birds make more noise than cars
  • Full functional Conference Room
  • Modern Kitchen supplies Home Made Country Dishes for the restaurant
  • Barn Theme Country Restaurant, food comparable to Perth’s best.
  • Mine Camp Accommodation
  • Palm Trees and Redgum’s, Green Lawns, Water Features, Relax under the Sails

Redgum Village under the sails

  • Golf activity, 9 or 18 holes
  • Mid week lawn bowls
  • Bush walks
  • Light pollution Free Star Gazing
  • Wild Flowers when in season

Mine camp accommodation:

Redgum Village mine hutsRedgum Village Accommodation

Redgum Restaurant Jan 2017

January normally a quiet time of year in Dandaragan.

Farmers finished harvest (Hopefully) and away on holidays, well some are.

Redgum Restaurant is open as per usual, although the Sunday Brunch is now by booking, You can book early in the day.

Restaurant Menu here   

Take – Away Menu here   

Sunday Brunch Menu here

Redgum Restaurant Dandaragan

Looking forward to a healthy 2017 at the Redgum Restaurant in Dandaragan

Feel free to offer ideas on a theme for a saturday night 🙂

Christmas Functions

Christmas Functions at Redgum Restaurant

Family and Business Group Bookings taken now up to Friday Dec 23. 

Awesome reviews so far, thank-you so much for the kind compliments and glad we are making your evenings memorable 🙂 Facebook reviews below…

Facebook pages: Redgum Village and Redgum Cafe and Gaylene’s Kitchen

Ph (08) 96514 223

A La Cart’e 6 to 30 people: 3 course meal from $49

Buffet 12 to 60 people: from $44 pp

Christmas at Redgum 1father christmas redgum Christmas at Redgum Cafe

Redgum Christmas Restaurant Buffet Redgum Restaurant Christmas FunctionRedgum Christmas Function Redgum Restaurant Christmas functions


  • Contractors
  • Project Crews
  • Solo Operators
  • Open to the Public
  • Mine Camp Style 
  • All 98 Rooms En-Suited
  • Buffett Meals
  • All Meals Home Cook
  • Early Breakfast and
    Lunch Crib
  • 40 Person Barn Style Dining Room
  • Dining Rotation for 99 guests
  • High Level Health and Safety
  • Video surveillance in select locations
  • Want 5 stars call the Hilton in Perth.
  • We Supply Affordable Essential Accommodation – Comfortable Clean en-suited Bedrooms with King single or Queen Size Bed, Hot Shower Plenty Pressure Digital TV, Fridge, Reverse Cycle Air-con, Robe, Desk, Chair and All Linen-Towels 🙂
  • Privately Owned
  • Friendly Atmosphere.
  • Please NO Pets / Dogs

(61) 460 853 993

Best e-mail

Click Here For E-mail

Attention Contractors

Wind Farms In The Dandaragan Region

Emu Downs – Waddi – Yandin- Warradarge

Personalised Accommodation and Meals Packages

Customised to suit your requirements

L.A.F.A style accomm available

Make a Booking

Bookings / Inquiries – NEW NUMBER

  • Phone… (61) 460 853 993
    If  goes to message bank please leave us your name and or company with a brief description of your needs so we can give you a accurate quick response.
  • e-mail Click Here

From vast experience:

Companies requirements vary, your booking or inquiry needs our personal human attention.
e-mail direct to

Redgum Rates

Redgum Village Rates

The more people

The longer you stay

The Less You Pay

Outback video

Redgum Info

Redgum Village Dandaragan

  • Not with a crew?


  • Just passing thru?
  • We have a room for you.

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Redgum On LinkedIn.