Location:           Lot 3907, Brand Highway, Cataby
Applicant:         Carpenter Beef Pty Ltd
Folder Path:      Development Services Apps / Development Application / 2009 / 48
Disclosure of Interest:  None
Date:           10 September 2013
Author:              Manager of Planning
Signature of Author:
Senior Officer:        Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Signature of Senior Officer:
Joanna Plains Peaker Project
The proponent is seeking renewal of planning approval for the establishment of the Joanna Plains Peaker Project on Lot 3907 Brand Highway, Cataby.
This application was originally submitted to Council in September 2009 on behalf of Griffin Energy Development Pty Ltd. There were a number of issues relating to the application which precluded Council from giving formal consideration to the application. These issues related to mineral resources under the area of the application. These issues were resolved over a period of time and at its meeting on the 24 November 2011, Council granted conditional planning approval to the Joanna Plains Peaker Project for a period of two (2) years. The conditions of approval are as follows:
1. The proponents shall provide a Traffic Management Plan to Main Roads Western Australia and the Shire of Dandaragan prior to the commencement of construction. The Traffic Management Plan shall address;
·        Transportation of materials to the project site;
·        Obtaining the necessary written approvals / permits from Main Roads Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Operation Branch; and
·        The transport of all divisible and indivisible loads and acquisition of necessary permits for transport of these loads.
2. The proponents shall provide road signage to the specification and satisfaction of Main Roads Western Australia;
3. Following the submission of the application for planning approval, if the proponent proposed changes resulting in significant additional environmental impact in the opinion of the Shire of Dandaragan, these changes shall not be undertaken without prior consultation with the Shire of Dandaragan and the Environmental Protection Authority Service Unit;
4. The proponents are required to obtain a clearing permit in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Protection (clearing of native vegetation) Regulations 2004 in the case of any proposal to clear existing remnant vegetation on the site to the satisfaction of the Department of Environment and Conservation;
5. The Joanna Plains Peaker Project shall comply with the Environmental Protection Authorities Guidance Statement No.3 for ¡§Electric Power Generation¡¨;
6. Prior to the commencement of construction, the proponents shall commission third party noise modelling studies to demonstrate the final design complies with the relevant noise limits outlined in this approval;
7. The proponent shall ensure that no nesting birds of the endangered species Carnaby¡¦s Black Cockatoo are disturbed by any resulting works such as realignment of fence lines through or near mature trees;
8. Decommissioning of the plant and equipment on the subject land will commence within a period of 12 months from termination of operations and to be completed within a time period to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dandaragan. This will occur following submission by the proponent of a plan outlining the process of decommissioning;
9. Planning consent is granted for a maximum period of two years from the date of this approval during which time the development must be substantially commenced;
10. The proponent is advised that planning approval is not a building licence. A building licence must be formally applied for and obtained from Building Services before commencement of any site and / or development works; and
11. That following completion of the construction of the project, the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to request the proponent to undertake screen planting sufficient to screen the development from the Brand Highway.
The proposal is to construct and operate a 106MW ¡§peaking¡¨ dual fuel (diesel and gas) open cycle gas turbine power station that will efficiently supplement electricity generation during times of high electricity demand in the Mid-West Region. The project will be capable of being a standalone unit or being aligned with other wind farm projects.
The project will be located on Lot 3907 being a site characterised by gently undulating, cleared pasture lands. No native vegetation or significant habitats will be disturbed as a result of the development and construction will be carried out under best management practices.
The request for a 2 year extension to the planning approval is permitted under the Local Planning Scheme;
Clause 10.5.2.of the Scheme states;
A written request may be made to the local government for an extension of the term of planning approval at any time prior to the expiry of the approval period in clause 10.5.1 (2 years).
However, in granting the extension it should be made clear to the proponent that the Council¡¦s decision does not provide an avenue to change any of the current conditions of approval nor afford a right of appeal to the State Administrative Tribunal. The decision merely relates to the period of time upon which construction work must have substantially commenced, generally interpreted as “slab on the ground”, or in this instance could mean footings completed.
Lot 3907 is located on a property in the Cataby area approximately 160km north of Perth and approximately 21km west of the Dandaragan town site. The subject land is commonly known as Joanna Plains. The Joanna Plains farm is a 6950 hectare property comprising of four separate Certificates of Title. The particular Certificate of Title affected by this application is commonly referred to as “Marianas”.
The proposed development site comprises of an area of 1751 hectares, immediately west of the Brand Highway and is currently used for the grazing of cattle. This site was selected as the most suitable location because of the location of required infrastructure. 
The Dampier to Bunbury natural gas pipeline is located 11km from the proposed site, whilst the Parmelia gas pipeline is located less than 500m from the proposed site. A 132kV power line held by Western Power traverses the site from south-east to north-west. A 330kV easement also traverses the site and Western Power is in the process of upgrading the 132kV to 330kV as part of their Pinjar to Eneabba transmission line project.
The site is currently used for grazing and was cleared some 20 to 30 years ago. The Joanna Plains farm is located on land zoned “Rural” under the Shire of Dandaragan Local Planning Scheme No.7. Land to the east of the site is also zoned Rural however, land to the north and south is reserved for “Public Purposes” and the land to the immediate west is reserved for ¡§Conservation¡¨.
Also located on the Joanna Plains farm is a cattle feedlot operation which has been operational for approximately five years and is situated 4400 metres from the site of the proposed Peaker Project. The Joanna Plains Peaker Project is considered to be separate to the feedlot as it occupies a different lot number which does not form part of this application. The subject site is currently improved by one dwelling, situated 4500 metres to the south of the proposed development site. This is currently needed for farm employees and presently houses the farm manager. The nearest private residence is the Billinue Aboriginal Community which is 3390 metres to the north of the proposed site.
The applicant advises that the following components are proposed to be used in this project:
·        2 x 60MW generators ie operating capacity of 106MW;
·        Control room;
·        Fuel oil skid;
·        Gas skid;
·        18 metre exhaust stack;
·        Maintenance / storage building;
·        Water treatment building; and
·        Fuel tanks.
It is proposed that the plant is designed and intended to be run on a remote basis. The units are capable of operating on dual fuel basis meaning the turbines can function on various fuels including bio diesel, diesel or natural gas. The units are designed as a small modular configuration that is primarily constructed offsite and prefabricated modules are transported to site and basically bolted onto the concrete slab. Each turbine can operate either independently or in sync with the other. This allows the two turbines to be progressively brought online within a short period to meet electricity demand. This means the Joanna Plains Project has the capacity to efficiently operate to a minimum output of 15MW through to a maximum output of 106MW.
The proposed substation will occupy 10% of the total area being approximately 4000 square metres and house the outdoor switch gear and a control room fitted out with switch gear, protection, metering and communication equipment.
Access to the proposed site will be located along the northern boundary of the Mariana¡¦s paddock and is directly available from the Brand Highway via a new road of approximately 1500 metres. If necessitated, the land owner is agreeable to including the proposed access drive within a dedicated easement. The access road design and the construction will need to suit the sandy soils with possible suitable construction material located about 10 kilometres away. The proposed vehicle manoeuvring area will be constructed to a suitable standard to accommodate heavy ridgid vehicles and will enable all vehicles to enter and exit the site in forward gear after performing no more than a 3 point turn. This access is the subject of a submission from Main Roads Western Australia.
General temporary facilities required for construction will include:
·        Site sheds and offices;
·        Ablution facilities;
·        Crib room;
·        Covered external area;
·        Lay down areas; and
·        Small car park.
Application for these temporary facilities will be the subject of aseparate application for planning approval as well as for the issuing of a temporary building licence. These facilities will be removed following construction and all areas disturbed will be rehabilitated. It is anticipated that the initial construction phase would be completed within six months of onsite works commencing.
The application for planning approval was previously extensively advertised in 2011. All those that made submissions in 2011 were advised by letter of the proposed extension of planning approval and requested to advise if there were any changes to their comments/advice. No formal responses of any changes have been received at the time of the preparation of this report.
·        Local Planning Scheme No 7
·        Local Planning Strategy  Rural Land Use and Rural Settlement
There are no policy implications relevant to this item.
The applicant has paid a sum of $3,751.10 for extension of the planning approval.
·        Shire of Dandaragan Local Planning Strategy ¡V Rural Land Use and Rural Settlement
Circulated with the agenda are the following items relevant to this report:
·        Site plan (Doc Id: 16078)
·        Separation plan (Doc Id: 16080)
·        Infrastructure plan (Doc Id: 16083) (Marked 9.4.4)
Simple majority
That Council:
1. Pursuant to Clause 10.5.2 of the Shire of Dandaragan Local Planning Scheme No.7 grant a two year extension to the planning approval granted 24 November 2011 for the Joanna Plains Peaker Project on Lot 3907 Brand Highway, Cataby resulting in the revised expiry date of 24 November 2015; and
2. That the applicant be advised the extension of time to the current planning approval does not alter the conditions of approval nor afford a right of appeal to the State Administrative Tribunal. The decision relates to the period of time upon which construction work must have substantially commenced as determined by the Council