Events that happen in and around Redgum and Dandaragan will be mentioned here as a matter of interest to people whom visit this site or are wanting to come to Dandaragan for what ever reason.

An example is a wedding coming up in Dandaragan in March and a few of the wedding party are staying here at Redgum. So if you dont want to camp out on that night make a reservation here at Redgum, mention the wedding you are attending and we will offer you the discount rate that applies for this group.

Below are some pics of events we have here at Redgum Dandaragan.

Redgum Dandaragan bar-be-que

A typical Bar-be-qu night out for all persons on site.

redgum village events staff

Staff to ensure your event runs smoothly.

Function ceter dandaragan Function center redgum village
Some special effects to the event to get that extra touch.

events at aggies cottage

Aggies Cottage nr Dandaragan has a few events thru the year to keep a social life happening in Dandaragan.