THE horizon across the Moyne Shire is set to be dominated by nearly 200 wind turbines around 180 metres high after the state government signed off on three new wind farm planning permit amendments.

Update below:

Ryan Corner, 12 kilometres north-west of Port Fairy, Hawkesdale and Dundonnell are the locations for the massive wind farm projects estimated to be worth more than $1 billion. The state government on Wednesday announced amended permits had been approved for the developments.

The Moyne Shire is set to have more turbines, only higher, like these at the Macarthur wind farm, thanks to the state government issuing three amended planning permits.

The size of turbines at all sites have been upgraded with the height of the 88 at Dundonnell now 189m, up from 164m in the original permit. As a comparison, Mount Warrnambool stands at 200m.

The proponent of the wind farm is Tilt Renewables, which had scope to build 96 turbines in its first permit. More than 200 jobs will be created through the three-year construction stage.

Tilt Renewables is related to the company associated to the Waddi wind farm project at Badgingarra – Dandaragan.

Global Power Generation Australia is behind the projects at Ryan Corner and Hawkesdale.

Turbines at both sites will stand at 180m, up from the 126m limit from the original permit which was issued in 2008.

Ryan Corner will be home to 56 turbines, down from 68, and Hawkesdale is down from 31 to 26.

The amended permits come despite some public concerns about the growing heights of wind turbines.

A Global Power Generation Australia spokesman said the construction of Ryan Corner and Hawkesdale would be a joint project.

The cost of the project is forecast to be $500 million and will provide 160 jobs during the construction period, which is set to begin in 2019.

Once operational, the wind farms are expected to employ 15 people on an ongoing basis.

The spokesman said the wind farms will achieve an output of more than 300 megawatts, enough energy to supply every household in Warrnambool.

Acting Minister for Planning Lisa Neville backed the projects.

“We are in the business of supporting clean energy because it means more jobs in rural and regional Victoria,” Ms Neville said in announcing the amendment approvals.

“Renewable energy technology is advancing at a rapid rate. These common sense amendments will ensure the wind farms will be equipped to operate at optimal levels.”

The spokesman for Global Power Generation Australia said the go ahead for the Moyne wind farms depended on the state government’s renewable targets auction.

Global Power Generation Australia will put in a tender for the auctions in February and expects to hear if that bid is successful in July.

The spokesman said without a contract from the auctions, which would last for 15 years, the financial certainty would not be there to proceed with the project.

story by Anthony Brady

Update Ryan Corner Wind Farm

Invitation for Community Submissions – Ryan Corner Wind Farm

23 June 2017, 05:00 PM

Ryan Corner Development Pty Ltd, propose to amend Planning Permit – 2006/0222 (the Planning Permit) for the Ryan Corner Wind Farm. This amendment application is made under Section 97I of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister for Planning is the decision maker for the amendment application.

The Planning Permit was originally approved by the Minister for Planning in August 2008, allowing Use and Development of Land for a Wind Energy Facility (comprising 68 wind turbines and associated infrastructure). The planning permit will remain valid irrespective of the outcome of this amendment application.

The Minister has required that notice of the amendment application for the wind farm be given and invites submissions to be made by affected persons.

Council will be forwarding a written submission to the Minister in response to the Notice of Application for an Amendment to a Planning Permit.

Council, in accordance with its Major Projects Community Consultation Policy, is undertaking its own consultation and will consider submissions from the community, used to inform its submission to the Minister.

For the purposes of this Policy, Council will as far as reasonably practicable, limit its consideration of the amendment application to:

the nature and extent of changes proposed by the amendment application for the wind farm;

any significant detrimental effects which the amendment will have on the use and enjoyment of land; and

the content of the Moyne Planning Scheme provisions as they relate to the amendments proposed for the wind farm.

Submissions to Council must be in writing and must be received at the Moyne Shire Council Offices, Princes Street (PO Box 51), Port Fairy 3284 or by email to close of business on Friday 23 June 2017.

Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday 28 June 2017. Any person requesting to be heard by the Council in support of their written submission must return a completed “Request to be Heard” form to Council together with their written submission

The amendment application details are as follows:

The land affected by the application is located at: Land affected by the application is generally bounded by the Hamilton-Port Fairy Road, Fingerboard Road and Shaw River (see project proponent’s website).


The application is for a permit to:


Amend permit number 2006/0222 as follows:

Increase the overall maximum height of the wind turbines to 180m

Remove the restriction on the maximum tower height

Remove the restriction of blade length and replace with a restriction on the lowest swept height of 40m above ground level for the 180m high turbines and 30m for the 160m high turbines

Reduce the permitted number of wind turbines from 68 to 56

Allow for the future micro-siting of turbines to occur without the consent of the Minister for Planning

Increase the distance from nearest turbines within which a program of voluntary landscape mitigation works are to made available to owners of dwellings from 1.5 to 4.0km

Change the aviation obstacle lighting requirements to reflect the higher turbines

Change the noise condition to require compliance under the contemporary NZS6808:2010 noise standard

Change the shadow flicker condition to allow for shadow flicker to exceed relevant standards on non-stakeholder properties if written consent is obtained by the landowner.

The applicant for the permit is: Ryan Corner Development Pty Ltd
The application reference number is: Permit number: 2006/0222
You may look at the application and any documents that support the application at: In person at:

Moyne Shire, Port Fairy Office

Moyne Shire, Mortlake Office


Online at:


If you require any further information, please contact Council on 1300 656 564


David Madden

Chief Executive Officer


Ryan Corner Wind Farm

“The Ryan Corner Wind Farm site is located in South-Western Victoria approximately 15km north-west of Port Fairy township, 50km east of Portland, and 200km west of Geelong, within the Moyne Shire Local Government Area.”

“The project area covers an area of approximately 3,600 ha, where the current land use is primarily agricultural activities including grazing of sheep and cattle.”

“The Ryan Corner Wind Farm was granted development consent by the Minister for Planning in 2008 for up to 68 wind turbines and associated infrastructure. In 2010 a Secondary Consent Application was lodged with Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) slightly increase the size of the turbines (Mod-1). Approval was granted by DPCD that year. Ryan Corner Development Pty Ltd is currently in the process to again amend the development consent to increase the size of the turbines (Mod-2), although with this amendment the project turbines will be reduced by 12, and the application will be upgrading the remaining 56 wind turbines. The Mod-2 application is proposing a hub height up to 117 metres, and a rotor diameter up to 130 metres. The final turbine model will have a maximum blade tip height of up to 180 metres, with a total project capacity up to 224 MW, depending on the turbine model finally selected.”

“The project will connect to the grid via a 132kV overhead transmission circuit to the existing 500kV Tarrone Terminal Station.”

“The Mod-2 application has been approved on 21st December 2017 by the Minister for Planning.”